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Brittani Lael

Brittani Lael
Based in Ada for two decades, Brittani is a REALTOR with a zest for life. Armed with an Associate degree in Business of Science Management from Colorado Tech University, she has a drive to overcome any challenge that crosses her path.

Beyond the world of real estate, Brittani is a hands-on creative at heart. Whether crafting mini dollhouses, fashioning unique iguana habitats, or any other small crafts, she loves rolling up her sleeves to bring imagination to life. “Reading, yoga, and diving into projects that allow me to create something whimsical is my go-to outlet.”

When not immersed in the world of Real Estate or DIY wonders, you'll find Brittani relishing precious moments with her 15-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter.

As an individual who's always been intrigued by architecture, her fascination with homes and their floor plans led her to the world of real estate. “Witnessing the joy of someone owning their dream home is the fuel that propels me forward.” To purchase or sell a home Brittani can help you!